Monday, February 23, 2009

My Daybook
FOR TODAY ...February 23,2009
Outside my window...snowy and cold!
I am thinking...what this week will hold!!
I am thankful for...that my nephew's were good this weekend. No problems like I thought they would be
From the kitchen...nothing yet
I am old pink shirt and green pants
I am creating...nothing
I am going...actually nowhere this week.
I am reading...still the same old book
I am hoping...that things get better for us all and that my niece and nephew get to come home for a week
I am nephew Abraham and niece Maudie (its back to babysitting)
Around the house...needs dusting,finish putting up St. Paddy's Day decorations
One of my favorite things...
A few plans for the rest of the week:maybe a trip to Kroger
Here is picture thought I am sharing...Can anyone HELP ?? I can't figure out how to add a picture??

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