Monday, November 17, 2008
FOR TODAY November 17,2008
Outside my window... its snowing lightly.Its beautiful!!
I am thinking... about my robert being laid off,hoping his unemployment comes, Thanksgiving,getting over being sick!!
I am thankful for...My husband,trying to keep our life together and for Jesus as I know He can solve our problems.,and my Church family
From the kitchen... nothing at the moment,but I need to think of something for supper
I am wearing... around the house clothes
I am creating...nothing
I am try to get my Thanksgiving planned,and my cards sent!
I am reading...nothing @ this time
I am hoping...that Robert's unemployment comes thru and my poll worker's check comes
I am hearing...the quiet of being alone
Around the house...needs a good cleaning for next week
One of my favorite cat Tommy purring!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: to my iron treatment if this cold is gone and to a coumdin appt.(thanks to my antibotic)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My niece Abbie's 7th grade school picture.

Monday, November 10, 2008

FOR TODAY ...November 10th
Outside my window... watching the birds at the bird feeder. I love to watch them all flock to it.Its a cold day!!
I am thinking... I hope that my hubby finds something soon or his work calls him back,that my feet are healed and my blood level was NORMAL!
I am thankful for... My God,my family,and my Husband
From the kitchen...pork ribs, cabbage,potatoes,onions, and carrots, boiled supper tonight
I am wearing... gray pants,a striped shirt, and a sweater
I am the moment nothing, but need to get my Thanksgiving cards done
I am going... finish planning our meals for two weeks, and read so more.
I am same series of books ,One day I will get them finished.
I am hoping...that the economy gets better,that our new President will be a good one ( I am praying for him as I was so disappointed last week) and that we will figure out something with hubby laid off.
I am hubby turning the pages of a book,the furnace
Around the house...needs cleaned!
One of my favorite things...hearing my cat purr!
A few plans for the rest of the week:working on my cards and hopefully clean, besides working on my Avon, take my iron treatment and Church
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My niece Larissa and nephew Kellen They will be here at Christmas. I can't wait!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday.November 8,2008

Well, I thought that I would really be able to keep my blog up. But I seem to get behind and never do catch up. Last Friday was My Robert's last day of work as he was laid off. We really had thought our luck had changed as this way his dream to have a good job. But the good thing is he will be called back in January.
I am so disappointed that I didn't get time to do the day book this last week. I just had too much going on with working the "Polls" on Tuesday. I was a Little upset with how the election went but we will continue to have faith in God and pray for our leaders.
On Thursday I went to see/meet my new Doctor.I really liked her and she has Great faith in God which was a BIG plus in my book. She agreed with me that I didn't need to be tested for internal bleeding. That she thinks too that I am iron deficient. For once my blood level was 12.3. I am NORMAL!!! or at least my blood is. LOL Shee told me another 6 weeks of iron treatments then I will be checked again if it is still OK then we will go from there. I am so happy !! God is so GOOD to us.
Friday night My Robert built a fire and we had all the nieces and nephews and their families over for hot dogs, smores,chips and pop. It was fun!! Robert thought one more cookout before it got cold. The kids LOVED it!!
Today we went to the grocery store and tomorrow after Church I am going to plan our menu for the week. I think things went alot smother when I did those. Monday My Robert is going to start job hunting again. I am praying everything will go well for us.
Well,hopefully to blog more later.