Monday, November 10, 2008

FOR TODAY ...November 10th
Outside my window... watching the birds at the bird feeder. I love to watch them all flock to it.Its a cold day!!
I am thinking... I hope that my hubby finds something soon or his work calls him back,that my feet are healed and my blood level was NORMAL!
I am thankful for... My God,my family,and my Husband
From the kitchen...pork ribs, cabbage,potatoes,onions, and carrots, boiled supper tonight
I am wearing... gray pants,a striped shirt, and a sweater
I am the moment nothing, but need to get my Thanksgiving cards done
I am going... finish planning our meals for two weeks, and read so more.
I am same series of books ,One day I will get them finished.
I am hoping...that the economy gets better,that our new President will be a good one ( I am praying for him as I was so disappointed last week) and that we will figure out something with hubby laid off.
I am hubby turning the pages of a book,the furnace
Around the house...needs cleaned!
One of my favorite things...hearing my cat purr!
A few plans for the rest of the week:working on my cards and hopefully clean, besides working on my Avon, take my iron treatment and Church
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My niece Larissa and nephew Kellen They will be here at Christmas. I can't wait!!!

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