Monday, November 17, 2008
FOR TODAY November 17,2008
Outside my window... its snowing lightly.Its beautiful!!
I am thinking... about my robert being laid off,hoping his unemployment comes, Thanksgiving,getting over being sick!!
I am thankful for...My husband,trying to keep our life together and for Jesus as I know He can solve our problems.,and my Church family
From the kitchen... nothing at the moment,but I need to think of something for supper
I am wearing... around the house clothes
I am creating...nothing
I am try to get my Thanksgiving planned,and my cards sent!
I am reading...nothing @ this time
I am hoping...that Robert's unemployment comes thru and my poll worker's check comes
I am hearing...the quiet of being alone
Around the house...needs a good cleaning for next week
One of my favorite cat Tommy purring!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: to my iron treatment if this cold is gone and to a coumdin appt.(thanks to my antibotic)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My niece Abbie's 7th grade school picture.

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