Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday October 10,2008

Well, I am going to give blogging a try . I have read many blogs and their are a few that I read every couple of days as I enjoy them. So I thought that I would give this a try. I think I should start off by telling alittle or alot about me. So here it goes.............................
My name is MaryAgnes and I am 35 yrs old.I am the 4th of 5 children and I love my brothers and sister .They are my "Best Friends" and I would be so lost without them. I have been married to Robert for the past 10 yrs. We started out being pen pals and then friends and then life partners. We feel that God had planned us for each other. God is so Good!! I honestly feel that the best decision I ever made was marrying "My Robert". He has been my best friend and has made so many choices for me.
We have no children of our own. We wanted kids but after my accident I felt that I didn't want a child to have a disabled parent We do have 12 nieces and nephews and 4 Great nieces and nephews that I ADORE!! .I would do anything for these children.I love them like my own. I guess I should add that my oldest is 26 yrs old and my youngest is 1.
In January 2000 I had a car accident. From the accident among my injuries was a spinal cord injury.( more on my accident later) So for now I am in a wheelchair. Do I believe that I will never walk again?? NO~~ My accident was really bad and I spent 63 days in the hospital. I do not believe that My Father brought me this far to leave me like this. He only wants what is best for us. My spinal cord was not cut only bruised. The problem is that not enough is known about a spinal cord injury to know when the bruise will heal. I have GREAT faith and strive to do all that I can do on my own. Eight yrs ago they told me at the hospital that I would come home and not be able to do anything. Well, I can honestly say that I proved them wrong. I clean my own house , dishes,cook, bake,and pay our bills. I also sell Avon. Besides the watching of "My Kids".
Ok I guess I will finish today by telling you that I am from a small town in Ohio. I love to read, write letters,goto Church, cook/bake, take care of my flowers and houseplants especially PANSIES! , "play" on my computer,sell Avon ( and order for myself LOL) , and be with my family. I collect Anything of Winnie the Pooh ,pansies of course,cardinals,stickers, ink pens,address labels, purses, watches, and jewerly.
Well, I guess that is it for this post but I am sure that more will follow.

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